Charging Point Solution

With the popularization of new energy vehicles, many problems such as lack of charging standards for charging piles, idle charging piles, high construction land costs, incomplete infrastructure, low operating efficiency, and difficulty in profitability have emerged one by one. Such as non-uniform standards, low utilization, high cost, etc. The lag in the construction of charging infrastructure has become a short board restricting the development of the new energy vehicle industry.

Although it is not yet profitable, the temptation of the huge "cake" of the charging pile market is still there, and operators are constantly exploring profit models. If it reaches a certain scale, profits are inevitable.

The construction of new energy electric vehicle charging facilities still needs government policy support to establish and operate public transportation demonstration projects; for private car groups, encouraging consumers to actively participate in the purchase and use of electric vehicles is conducive to a virtuous circle and conducive to industrial development. Explore diversified service models, combine Internet technology, provide more convenient self-service new energy charging stations, etc., make good use of resources such as business districts, units, parking lots around the community, build a charging network service system, and open it to users . Layout gas stations, service areas, tourist attractions, realize the extension of network services, and cultivate user habits. The market prospect of electric vehicles will be even more exciting.